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Generation of Random Media


Generate a three-dimensional random medium file.

gen_rmed3d.x  [-o outfile] [-nx nx] [-ny ny] [-nz nz] [-epsil epsilon]  [-kappa kappa] 
               [-dx dx] [-dy dy] [-dz dz] [-ax ax] [-ay ay] [-az az]  
               [-ptype ptype] {-seed seed_number}
-o outfile

Name of the output file.

-nx nx, -ny ny -nz nz

Number of grids in the -, -, and -directions. They must be a power of 2.

-epsil epsilon

Root mean square (RMS) of the velocity fluctuation .

-ax ax, -ay ay, -az az

Characteristic scales in the -, -, and -directions in units of km.

-dx dx -dy dy -dz dz

Grid width in the -, -, and -directions. They should be identical to the simulation parameters.

-ptype ptype

Choice of power spectrum density functions (PSDFs) of the random media model in wavenumber space: 1 for Gaussian, 2 for Exponential, and 3 for von Kármán.

-kappa kappa

The parameter for the von Kármán-type PSDF.

-seed seed_number

Specify the seed number of the random variable generation (optional). If this option is not specified, the seed number is automatically generated based on the execution date and time.

The random media file will be stored in the NetCDF format. Various software, such as ParaView and Panoply can be used for visualization


An example of 3D random media generated by gen_rmed3d.x and visualized by ParaView.


Generate a 2D random media file. Its usage is same as that of gen_rmed3d.x, with parameters related to the y-direction omitted.