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Velocity Structure


Calculate the frequency dependence of and the body wave dispersion from the input parameter file.

$ qmodel_tau.x -nm [nm] -i [prm_file] -f0 [min_freq] -f1 [max_freq] -nf [ngrid]

This discretizes the frequency range from min_freq to max_freq into ngrid and exports and physical dispersion. The latter is normalized to 1 at the reference frequency. The parameters related to the viscoelastic body are read from the input parameter file; however, the number of bodies nm should be specified separately because it is hard-coded into the program.


From the input parameter file, calculate and print the discontinuity of the input NetCDF file in Cartesian coordinates for the simulation (, , depth) in the standard output. This program is used to confirm the coordinate transformation and the detailed digital model, and to visualize the model in the computational domain.

$ grdsnp.x -i [prm_file] -g [grd_file]